The following are venues related to our parish's St. Titus Church location where gatherings of various types can take place.
Located on the level beneath the Church of St. Titus, it has been through the years the site used for many church-wide gatherings, fundraisers, and religious instruction as well as wedding receptions and small, family-type occasions.
Titan Hall is available as rental space. Please contact the Parish Adminstrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 104 for pricing, available dates and times as well as possible additional services.
Fr. Cassidy Hall is named after Rev. Thomas J. Cassidy, pastor of the then St. Titus Parish from early 1971 to December 2, 1992.
The location of the hall is in the former St. Titus Parochial School. Originally used as a gymnasium, this space was later converted into a cafeteria. It is now used as additional meeting and rental space for various activities.
Fr. Cassidy Hall is available to rent. Please contact the Parish Adminstrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 104 for pricing, available dates and times as well as potential additional services.
Parking Directions
Parking is located adjacent to St. Titus Church as well as behind the church building on Sheffield Avenue.
A parking lot can also be found at the corner of Sycamore and Green Streets, next to the former St. Titus School building.
Street parking in the vicinity of the church is also available.
Parking Directions
A parking lot can also be found at the corner of Sycamore and Green Streets, next to the former St. Titus School building.
Parking is located adjacent to St. Titus Church as well as behind the church building on Sheffield Avenue.
Street parking in the vicinity of the church is also available.