Take a moment to mediate on the daily Gospel via reflections from Bishop Barron's Word on Fire. Just click on the dateline to access the full text of the reflection.
Fr. Jacob Hsieh, O.Praem of the Norbertine Order located in Silverado, CA, presents weekly lessons on the Catholic Faith broken down into an easy to understand 52-episode series under the banner of “Jesus Thirsts Weekly”. It is a follow up to the recent released documentary "Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist."
This multi-part series is designed to bring viewers closer to God, strengthen faith, and well-equip followers to answer tough questions about the Catholic Faith.
Begins Monday, February 10, 2025.
Here is a selection of podcasts from various sources convenietly located in one place to help enhance our understanding of the Faith and the world around us as Catholics.
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