Fr. Romuald is a native of St. Anthony Village, Minnesota. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in History from The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, in 2002, and served in the U.S. Army. After spending a year in the novitiate at St. Vincent Archabbey, he took simple vows on July 9, 2010. He then earned a Master of Arts degree in Systematic Theology from St. Vincent Seminary in 2021. He professed solemn vows as a Benedictine monk on July 11, 2023, and soon after was ordained a deacon on August 12, 2023. On May 25, 2024 he was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Larry J. Kulick, Diocese of Greensburg, PA.
Father's previous assignments at the Archabbey have included: assistant archivist, facilities management assistant director, monastery roof project and mausoleum project consultant, and assistant to the director of the Institute for Ministry Formation.
In 2024, Fr. Romuald earned a Master of Divinity degree and a Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree in affiliation with the Pontifical University of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome, Italy. He will be continuing his studies toward a doctorate degree at the Angelicum in Rome.
Beginning on the August 10, 2024, Fr. Romuald Duchene, OSB, will assist at our parish providing Mass coverage on weekends.