Requesting a Mass Intention?
To schedule a Mass intention, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Mass intentions are limited to two scheduled Masses per registered envelope per liturgical year.
Requesting a visit for the homebound?
Contact the Pastoral Center Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 103; or CLICK HERE to download a request form that you can complete and mail to the address provided or place/have it placed in the collection basket.
Wanting to schedule a chapel/shrine lamp? (Blessed Sacrament | Marian | Holy Family)
To schedule a sanctuary and/or shrine lamp, please go to the Mass & Lamp Intention Request page. Bulletin published lamp intentions are limited to four lamps per registered envelope per liturgical year.
Needing to update your contact and/or census information?
Contact the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101.
Having issues with your contribution envelopes?
Contact the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101.
Need a Godparent/Sponsor Certificate?
If you are a registered parishioner of Mary, Queen of Saints Parish in good standing and have been asked to be a godparent or a Confirmation sponsor, you can obtain a Godparent/Sponsor Certificate by completing an online request form. To begin, CLICK HERE. Please allow sufficient time for research and processing. (Alternatively, you can contact the Parish Administrative Office to make a request.)
Needing a Ministry Schedule emailed to you?
Contact the Parish Administrative Office at 724.775.6363 ext. 101.
Needing sacramental records (such as a Baptismal, Confirmation or Marriage Certificate) dating prior to July 1, 2021?
Contact the Archives Office of the Diocese of Pittsburgh at 412.456.3158, Monday through Friday, from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Records dated prior to our parish merger on July 1, 2021 are no longer available through our parish offices.
Need to provide/update information regarding a parish group?
Lead members of all organizations, associations, and apostolates under the Parish of Mary, Queen of Saints are asked to provide/maintain current information on their individual groups. If you are such a group leader, please download the information/update form by CLICKING HERE. Fully complete it; and then, submit the form to any of our parish offices or conveniently place it in the offering basket at Mass. Providing the information not only assists the parish in updating records, it also helps those who visit our website to understand what Mary, Queen of Saints Parish has to offer as well as create a more welcoming community of faith.
For answers to additional questions that you may have regarding common parish practices (such as guidelines for bulletin content submissions), visit the General Information page.
To register for and obtain further information on: