In the gospel, Jesus teaches us that God is our “Father”, and just as a parent’s love for his/her children is unlimited, so is God’s love and care for us unlimited. In the month of July, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to aid many families, providing much needed food, utility and rent support. Thank You!
The St. Vincent de Paul Society helps those less fortunate with food, clothing, bills and simple home repairs. If you or anyone you know could benefit from our help, please call our private phone number at 724.494.8864 and leave a message. All calls are confidential.
Donations to SVdP
Those wishing to make a monetary donation to St. Vincent de Paul by check, please make it payable to: Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you for your continued support and generosity.
SVdP Tuition Aid Program
The St. Vincent DePaul Society offers a Tuition Aid Program for graduating seniors who have been accepted by a university, college or trade school or for current college students meeting the following requirements: The university or trade school must be in Allegheny County or be any Pennsylvania state-affiliated college (Penn State, Slippery Rock, Indiana State, etc.). They must have at least a 3.0 average. They need an admission letter and invoice from the school of their choice; a letter of recommendation from a priest, pastor, rabbi, or a member of the St. Vincent DePaul Society confirming their need and a copy of their family's IRS Form 1040 showing adjusted gross income. Applications for this aid can be mailed to anyone interested by calling the St. John the Baptist Church Conference at 724.494.8864.