As part of our parish’s Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) Program, our community of faith will celebrate the Rites of Welcoming and Acceptance on Sunday, February 9, 2025 in the Church of St. Frances Cabrini at the 11:00AM Mass.
About the Rites of Welcoming and Acceptance The Rites of Welcoming and Acceptance are usually combined and celebrated with the parish community present and marks the end of the Period of Evangelization and the beginning of the Catechumenate. Rite of Acceptance In this rite, which is for those who are not baptized, the individuals declare their desire to learn more about the Catholic Faith and state their intent to be baptized into the Faith community. The community 'accepts' them and they are considered catechumens.
Rite of Welcoming This rite is for those who have already been validly baptized and are now seeking full communion (via Confirmation and Eucharist) with the Catholic Church. This rite acknowledges them as members of the community of Faith by virtue of the baptism. The parish community 'welcomes' them as candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
For more information on OCIA, visit the OCIA page.