Many thanks to those who supported the OLF School 2022 Gigantic Flea Market. To the donors and shoppers - your generosity and well-selected purchases were much appreciated. To the market workers (planners, sorters, pricers, and sellers, set-up/clean-up crews) - thank you, thank you, thank you!!! The event raised $25,000! This is the highest amount yet for this annual fundraiser.
Attention Flea Market Volunteer Workers - On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 6:00PM in Kohler Hall (located on the grounds of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Hopewell), the OLF PTG will host a Flea Market Volunteers Appreciation Cook Out as a token of thanks for the gifting of your time, talents, and efforts. No RSVP needed; just come and enjoy!