Cursillo (pronounced kur-see- yo) is a Spanish word meaning ‘short course’. A ‘Cursillo Weekend’ begins on Thursday evening, and ends on Sunday. During the three days, attendees live and work together listening to talks given by priests and laity. They also share prayer and the Eucharist together. The Cursillo Movement can have very positive results in spiritual revitalization of the person; and in turn, the world through evangelization of environments. Thus, the Cursillo Weekend can be described as ‘a short course in Christianity’.
The Cursillo has been in the Pittsburgh Diocese for over 50 years. Four weekends are held annually, two for men and two for women. The upcoming weekends for Spring 2021 are: April 8th-11th for men, and April 15th-18th for women. The Spring 2021 weekends will be held at the beautiful Arc & Dove Retreat Center in Gibsonia, PA. The Beaver Valley Cursillo Community meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7:00PM, in-person at St. John the Baptist in Monaca and virtually on ZOOM. These meetings are called ‘Ultreya’, which means, “Onward!”
All are welcome. For additional information about the weekends or about Ultreya, please contact Joseph & Gwen Butts at 724.601.7860.