Mass Schedule for Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday in 2021 falls on February, 17th. The MACH1 Schedule of Masses for the day will be, as follows:
7:00AM — St. Titus, Aliquippa
7:30AM — St. Frances Cabrini, Center Township
8:00AM — Our Lady of Fatima, Hopewell Township
12:10PM — St. Frances Cabrini, Center Township
6:30PM — St. John the Baptist, Monaca
6:30PM — Our Lady of Fatima, Hopewell Township
Online Ash Wednesday Masses offerd by Bishop Zubik will also be posted to our website.
Temporary Ash Wednesday Ritual Change
So that everyone knows what to expect, please be aware of this year's procedure for distribution of ashes. In an attempt to distribute ashes in the safest way possible, we are being advised to sprinkle the ashes on the head of the people receiving this sacramental, as opposed to the customary cross on the forehead.