We are One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, called to work together to support Jesus’ mission. That’s what the Annual Parish Appeal is about. It supports diocesan-wide ministries – from outreach to local Latino communities to training our faith formation leaders – that benefit many people across all six counties of our Diocese.
Our Annual Parish Appeal goal this year is $256,676. If 1,000 of our parish families would contribute $250 towards this Appeal, our parish would come immediately close to reaching our 2023 goal. Please keep in mind that if/when we exceed our goal by 10%, we not only keep the overage, but it would be treated as exempt from our assessment. A definite win-win for MQSP!
Please make as generous a pledge as your means allow on Giving Weekend, February 18/19, 2023.
Text OneChurch to 84576 to receive stories about the good things your donation to the Annual Parish Appeal will help to accomplish.