Turning to God's word for wisdom and comfort, the selecting of scripture text is an important part of planning a funeral Mass. The Word of God is an important part of the funeral rite, our Christian celebration of faith in anticipation of the resurrection of the body.
The Church has identified a selection of readings which are appropriate for a funeral/memorial Mass. Please review these sacred passages in preparation for the funeral and find those with words that speak to your heart. The choices are to correspond to the following guidelines:
To access and read the text of the various readings for funeral/memorial Masses, CLICK HERE.
Once you have selected from the list of scripture readings the ones you would like to request, please let the priest/deacon know by submitting a FUNERAL / MEMORIAL MASS PLANNER online form as accessed below.
To help in setting up
final arrangements,
please click the button below,
then complete and submit
the online planner form:
If you have any questions,
contact the Parish Adminstrative Office
at 724.775.6363 ext. 101.