The St. Titus Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, who strive to grow in holiness and build a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need. As members, we are called to:
To have ears to hear the cries of the poor
To have eyes to seek and find the forgotten, the suffering or the deprived
To have hearts that bring God’s love to the poor
Please consider offering your time. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) at St. Titus, which has been serving the Aliquippa community since 1954, urgently needs Vincentians in order to maintain service to our community. Even though it requires minimal time, the spiritual benefits are boundless. If you have any questions, please call the St. Titus Conference Helpline at 724.920.8563 or 724.252.4631. We hope to hear from you.