SVdP Help Line If you need help or are referring others for assistance, please call the St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Help Line at 724.252.4631. This number is the same for all four SVdP Teams within our parish. The phone will ring about 5 to 6 times and then go to a voicemail mailbox. Please leave a message that includes: your name, location, phone/contact number, and the brief details of your needs/circumstance. Your message will be routed to the respective SVdP Team based on geographic area/school district. Callers will be contacted promptly.
Donating to SVdP For your convenience, you are welcome to visit our parish’s Donate Online page and from the drop menu select the ’S. Vinc. de Paul Society’ listing of the church location for which you would like to make a donation via e-check or credit card. You may also donate using a paper check made payable to: “St. Vincent de Paul Society”, remembering to notate the check the name of the church location to which you would like to make the donation. Please mail or bring the paper check to any of the church offices or place it in the offering basket. (Please do not mail cash.)