The Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows, is someone who can identify with the life situations that we as women experience on a daily basis. As Patroness of the Confraternity of Christian Mothers, she is a beautiful example of a loving mother and faith-filled companion to whom we can turn in all our needs. How blessed we are to have her as our inspiration! Please come and participate in a time of prayer and fellowship as we celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows:
WHEN — Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 6:00PM
WHERE — St. Titus, 952 Franklin Avenue, Aliquippa for a Vigil Mass with Fr. Canice McMullen, OSB, followed by fellowship and light refreshments in Titan Hall
WHO — Any woman of the parish, age 18 or older – single or married, with or without children
WHY — To honor Our Lady of Sorrows on the vigil of her memorial and install our confraternity’s new officers as well as enjoy the friendship and spiritual support of the women of our parish
(Please note that the Knights of Columbus will graciously be hand to offer assistance in getting to the church from the parking lot and back again after Mass and after the meeting.)
Come and get to know your new sisters in Christ and learn about the Christian Mothers' confraternity. It will be wonderful to greet returning members, see new faces, and get to know one another as future plans and activities are discussed for the Christian Mothers of Mary, Queen of Saints Parish!