For the season of Lent, our parish Mass schedule for Thursdays will be altered to help those who have work schedules that make it impossible to attend a weekday Mass at 8:30AM. Beginning on Thursday, March 3, 2022, instead of 8:30AM Masses at St. Titus and St. John the Baptist, a 7:30AM Mass will be offered at St. Titus Church (Aliquippa) and a 7:00PM Mass will take place at St. John the Baptist Church (Monaca) on all Thursdays of Lent. It is hoped that throughout this year’s Lenten season this temporary adjustment will allow for more parishioners to come to a Mass during the weekday. Perhaps you might consider adding participation in a weekday Mass to your Lenten routine?
In 2022, Lent begins on March 2nd (Ash Wednesday) and ends on April 14th (just prior to the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday).