Much thanks to all who continue to support our parish despite clergy abuse scandal news as well as the changes effected by the
On Mission initiative. As reported in the weekly bulletin, our regular collections were down approximately $42,939.00 from the previous fiscal year (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019). Additionally, Mass attendance was down. With this said, let us pray for healing; for the opening of hearts, and for an increase in understanding.
Thank you for your ongoing financial assistance. Please be aware that our regular offertory collection funds are used solely at the parish level, a parish where there was no misconduct and no blame. Our worship every weekend is directed towards God and the saving actions of Jesus Christ, Who unlike any flawed human being, He never disappoints, never fails, and never merits abandonment. Together we must continue to work at strengthening our faith communities, transforming them into more vibrant and inspirational places of worship; make every effort to tighten our belts, doing more with less; and strive to advance the Kingdom of God in our area of Beaver County. Thanks again.