2022 Benedictine Annual Appeal
Dear Parishioners,
Greetings in the Lord. Did you know that Saint Vincent Archabbey is the largest Benedictine Abbey in the world?! And, God sends us new novices every year!
There are Benedictine abbeys and many other congregations of consecrated religious who never see new vocations. And we are beyond blessed to receive new ones each year. We have twelve young monks in formation right now at the abbey, and several other monks studying in Europe and here in the US to teach in our seminary and college.
At the other end of the mystery of human life, we have in our own monastery building an infirmary with full-time nursing staff. On the second floor of our monastery, the monks who have generously served all their lives in our various apostolates come to live when their health becomes a challenge. They have their own chapel where they go to Mass and the Divine Office, and in this way, they are still a part of the life of our community.
This time of the year in the parishes where our monks serve we ask for your assistance to help us with the costs associated with educating young monks, and caring for our monks in our infirmary. Thank you in advance for your help with this year’s Benedictine Appeal!
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Fr. Jean-Luc