Nativity of the Lord
My Dear Parish Family,
Venite adoremus! O come let us adore Him!
Today we celebrate with great joy the fulfillment of our heart’s deepest longings and desires. For in the fullness of time, when the world lay in the darkness of sin and error, pining, He appeared and the soul felt its worth!
My brothers and sisters, let us joyfully and boldly proclaim the message which surpasses even our most daring hope: our God is not a distant God Who is unaware of our struggles or lacks concern for our needs. No! He is Emmanuel, God with us.” He is a God Who knows our needs; and to our weakness, He is no stranger! The Infant God we worship today, the Almighty God Who was born in a humble manger, is a God Who wishes to be born into the poverty and brokenness of our hearts in order to transform us and bring us joy and peace.
In the joy of this great mystery, Fr. Joachim and I wish you and your loved ones a very blessed and merry Christmas, and we pray that you will embrace with great hope the Infant and Incarnate God Who loves you and desires to be born anew in your hearts each day.
Merry Christmas!
Fr. Canice McMullen, OSB